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Search and download apps for work, productivity, social networking, gaming and more from the Windows store.

相關軟體 Microsoft Games for Windows 下載

Microsoft and some of the gaming industry''s biggest names have worked together to make the gaming experience on Windows better than ever. And Games for Windows is the result. The Games for Windows b...

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  • Search and download apps for work, productivity, social networking, gaming and more from t...
    Apps | Microsoft Windows 10 | Official Site
  • Get the best of Windows 10 on a new PC. Combine the latest hardware with the latest innova...
    Get Windows 10 | Shop & Buy New Windows Devices | Microsoft
  • With Office, you have 365 days ahead of you filled with endless possibilities. And it star...
    Microsoft Office Home
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  • Microsoft Windows (or simply Windows) is a metafamily of graphical operating systems devel...
    Microsoft Windows - Wikipedia
  • Microsoft Windows(中文有时譯作微軟视窗,通常不做翻译)是微軟公司推出的一系列作業系統。它問世於1985年,起初是MS-DOS 之下的桌面環境,其後續版本逐漸&nb...
    Microsoft Windows - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
  • Latest bug fixes for Microsoft Windows, including fixes for some possible DoS attacks.
    Microsoft Windows Update
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    Microsoft 支援服務
  • Download add ons, extensions, service packs, and other tools to use with your Windows soft...
    Windows - Microsoft Download Center
  • Discover what's new in the Windows 10 Creators Update launched April 11, 2017: Paint 3...
    Windows 10 New Creators Update & Features | See What's ... - Microsoft
  • Enter your Windows Live ID and password to access your Windows Live account, including Hot...
    Windows Live
  • Microsoft provided support for Windows XP for the past 12 years. But the time came for us,...
    Windows XP support has ended - Windows Help
  • Windows 10 推出多項創新,而且比以往更出色。選購Windows 10 筆記型電腦、電腦、平板電腦、應用程式等。了解即將推出的新功能。
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